Madonna 經典世紀之吻

July 10, 2006

2003 VMA’s opening performance by Madonna, Britney & Christina

VMA’s Madonna-Britney-Christina Kiss

“Madonna, Spears, Aguilera shock at MTV Awards” – USA Today

“Madonna still makes jaws drop, cheeks blush” – Sioux City Journal, Iowa

“A kiss isn’t just a kiss at MTV awards” – Rocky Mountain News, Colorado

“The MTV Video Music Awards featured an orgy of duets and Madonna embracing Britney Spears” –

“Pop Kiss is the talk of the awards” – The Scotsman, UK

“Madonna, Spears, Aguilera upstage MTV awards with steamy kisses” – Japan Today, Japan

“Pop divas pucker up at MTV video music awards” – Irish Examiner, Ireland

“Madonna still shocks after all these years” – Jamaica Observer, Jamaica

Alesis Fusion: The Keyboard That Records Your Band

March 9, 2006


Will keyboard players finally get some love from their bandmates if they can record them in multitrack splendor? Alesis has built a high-end hard disk recorder right into the Alesis Fusion keyboard synth. They’re certainly not the first to do that, but what they’ve done is remove the sticker shock: this instrument was already a bargain when it came out last year, and recent price cuts have brought the entry level model under $1000. For the first time, less than one grand gets you recording, a good keybed, space age controls, and multiple sound generation methods from sampled to virtual analog. Add in an Origami-based tablet and upload your sets to My Space. Or, uh, not.

source post [Create Digital Music]

Teach kids music with Hyperscore

February 6, 2006
hyperscore mit media labI remember the Miracle piano system for the Nintendo when I was a kid. Lots of promise about teaching music, but it really was just a lot of fun to play with. Hyperscore won’t teach you notation, but it will definitely allow kids to create listen-able music compositions with little effort. Made in the MIT Media Lab, Hyperscore uses a visual approach to creating songs. You create little riffs, called “motives” in separate windows, then blend those together in a larger composition window. What’s brilliant (and here’s that MIT magic): the app can build good harmonies, progressions, and other auditory delights into those basic compositions. It’s automated, but just to the point where you don’t have to sweat the details. It’s a lot of fun to play with, no matter how old you are. And naturally, Hyperscore will be bundled with MIT’s $100 laptop.

Another twist involves using Hyperscore to create ringtones. To promote the software, and music in general, WIRED has the story of the MIT Ringtone Competition. Not content to pitch Hyperscore to 10 year-olds, MIT has an entire site, H-Lounge, dedicated to older users. Classic quote from the Edge regarding this emerging form of music entertainment: “Ringtones are a legitimate branch of pop music…” Go go Crazy Frog!

source post [download squad]