Swaptree – online swap market

May 30, 2007


Justin over at Gadling has been trying out a new online swap market called Swaptree. Users can trade books, music, movies, or video games with other users. No money changes hands, and Swaptree doesn’t take any money off the top (we imagine they have plans to make money eventually, perhaps through advertising).

All you have to do is type in an ISBN number for the books you want to trade, or UPC code for your other media. Then list the items you want in a “want” list, similar to an Amazon wishlist.

Swaptree will automatically search for users who have what you want, and want what you have. When it finds a potential trading partner, the service will send you each an email. If you both accept, Swaptree will provide each user with the others’ mailing address.

You can even print shipping labels directly from Swaptree. And with media mail rates, most items should cost $2.50 or less to ship.

The service is in private beta at the moment, but Justin’s got a few invites to give out.

source [downloadsquad]

Use Tubes to share files

March 6, 2007

If you find yourself emailing large files frequently then you can save yourself tons of time with Tubes.

Tubes is a application designed to simply file sharing on the web that works similar to an IM program for your files. In order to share content with a friend or coworker you merely need to invite them to have access to your tube and drop the files you want to share in. Once you grant tube access to a particular person then an image of your Tube shows up on their desktop and files dropped from your desktop into the Tube are instantly be accessible to others who have Tube access.

This is awesome for those of that have work with others on projects and have to trade files constantly giving everyone an easy place to put the files where everyone else working on a project can have access to them. Tubes is a PC only application and can be downloaded for free from the Tube’s website.

source [downloadsquad]

Home decor design tips

January 22, 2007

Normal Room is a Web site that lets users submit images of various rooms in their homes. Normal Room has amassed a large collection of designs from countries around the world. I think this is really unique and great resource if you are thinking of redecorating, building a home, setting up your office or studio, or just looking for ideas on how to make your workspace more productive. An interesting observation is the impact children have on the rooms.

Normal Room shows you interior design and home furniture from all around the globe. Search our image database and explore the differences and similarities in architecture and home decoration between people in different countries.

source [lifehack.org]

Geni – Web Family Tree

January 22, 2007

David Sacks’ new startup Geni, which we wrote about last week, has gone live.The initial product is a very easy to use Flash tool to create a profile and a family tree – including siblings, spouses, cousins, aunts and uncles, and their families. When you add a relative, there is an option to add their email address and have the tree sent to them as well. They can add their own data, extending the tree, and Geni will launch tools to merge overlapping trees.

There is more information on the About page. The company has raised a round of financing from Founders Fund.

I’ve started my family tree and have added a few email addresses. It will be cool to see my relatives further expand the tree. And it will be really interesting to take a look at Geni a few years from now, as more and more trees are merged together.

Update: Geni is viral. In my test tree, I added my dad’s email address but didn’t otherwise mention the site to him. I just went back to Geni and noticed the tree has been extended significantly (see image below). And now some of those people have been emailed as well.

source [techcrunch]

TeraPad – Impressive blog platform

January 11, 2007


Till this time, We’ve seen some of the great blogging tools but all of them were desktop blogging clients but this time we are going to write the review of a blogging platform. The platform is TeraPad. The blogging platform is currently a hosted solution and doesn’t have the option of letting you download the whole software and then letting you choose the option of hosting on your own servers. Anyway, that is also one of the good features as one doesn’t have to take pains for finding and installing the package. Let’s look at some of the features of this blogging platform…

PROS of terapad :

1. More than a blog : The best thing about this service is that it is much more than a blog. It has a set of tools which make it much more powerful. It has inbuilt shopping cart (paypal shop), image gallery, web page publishing, job board, forum, integration with third party tools and a lots more. Well, there are so many features that it becomes really difficult to list them here and that is what I love in one service and that is huge list of features and terapad has scored a 10 on 10 in this section.

2. Hosted Solution : Terapad is a hosted solution and thus anyone can start their own terapad site in just few minutes and that too without any technical knowledge. They take the pain of keeping your site up and running and that makes things much more simple. They give 2 GB of space and that also keeps things nice on your pocket.

3. WYSIWYG Editor : It has the WYSIWYG editor and thus publishing things are quite easy. The good thing is that it lets people insert videos as well! The videos can be inserted from Google Video, Grouper and the big daddy of video services and that is YouTube!

4. Templates and template editor : It has some decent templates however they are not the best but it has the template editor which lets you easily make changes in the whole template and the good thing is that it is all controlled with CSS and thus you don’t have to worry about learning anything new as CSS is relatively simple and you can also find various templates around in the web and that too quite easily.

5. Use of domain names : Another beautiful feature of the service is that it lets you use your own domain name. You just have to change the CNAME records and you can make use of your own domain name.

6. Oh I forgot one thing! Its Free : Do you think I need to explain anything in this one D

CONS of terapad :

1. Google Ads : The service puts some ads on your terapad site. However, the ads are not obtrusive and thus don’t annoy much. However, some of the pros will always want to remove the ads from their site and will like to put their own ads. They do give the option of removing the ads as well but that is for a small fee.

2. Readable URLs : Terapad seems to be generating the pages with strange strings and fails to generate the URLs in readable formats. Search engines favor those kind of URLs and thus Terapad looses on this portion. Good writers don’t have to worry about this at all, they can still generate traffic easily with the power of their writing D .

3. Download-able Option : Unfortunately this excellent piece of software is not available for download and thus no one can install this on their servers. I think that if they start giving this then certainly it may help them in creating a good community and will give them popularity as well.

Overall Rating & Views :

To be honest this service is really good and thus any one will fall in love with the amount of features it has. If you are looking to start a new site or blog then this is the solution which you’ll always want to have. It will beat wordpress (I know that many won’t agree but have a look at the features first) if at all they work on its very small list of CONS. My suggestion is to go ahead and use this service, you’ll certainly love it.

Links : TeraPad

source [reviewsaurus.com]

AddThis! Web Buttons

December 1, 2006




接著它會出現一個在線RSS閱讀器列表頁面,點擊你經常使用的那個閱讀器,就會自動訂閱,目前還沒有抓蝦被列入其中。這一動作做完後,它會記憶住你 所使用的閱讀器,下次再訂閱時就不需要再選擇了。當然,如果你想改變閱讀器的話,可以進行My Account頁面,在My Feeds的右邊按reset按鈕,下次就可以重新選擇閱讀器了。




source [wappblog]

FindMeOn.com identity aggregator

November 2, 2006


New web service FindMeOn.com attempts to solve a very Web 2.0 problem: the dozens of social networking profiles, email addresses, blogs and other web service memberships you and your friends can’t keep track of.

If you’ve got a Flickr, MySpace, and Tribe profile and a Vox, LiveJournal and WordPress blog, and Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and .mac email address, sign up with FindMeOn to “claim” and gather all your identities into one place, and find your friends’ and which services they’re in, too.

FindMeOn is a new way to assert and verify ownership over online elements , identities and personalities. We empower you to verifiably extend your true identity across social networks and blogs, essentially creating an ad-hoc social network out of everything you join.

The FindMeOn preview isn’t very easy to use, but it’s a step towards solving a problem all of us has and it employs open standards to do so, which is a promising start in our book.

BookRevyoo: Social book reviews

October 19, 2006

book revyoo social book reviewBookRevyoo is a social book review community where books can be added and reviewed by members, and also rated. Books that users enter into the system are tagged with keywords relevant to the book, allowing easy categorization, and browsing. The built in RSS feature lets you keep track of user’s comments on the book you might be thinking about reading. I look forward to watching this online social book review site develop, since they are currently in beta, I expect there will be a few more features added.

source [downloadsquad]

網路創業家 – 部落格賺錢高手

October 11, 2006

部落格遍地開花,但是大部分人只把它當做風流自賞的興趣嗜好,不知道用心經營,小網站也能賺大錢,野心大一點的話,還可以建立「線上帝國」。 邁可‧艾林頓(Michael Arrington)就是最好的例證。現年36歲的他,因為筆耕TechCrunch部落格而竄紅。這個網站,人氣沸騰,每個月有超過150萬的讀者經常查看他的網站,FeedBurner RSS訂閱人數達12萬1159人(2006年9月27日的數字)。

「小小研究員的學習之路」部落格2006年9月22日發表「Michael Arrington何許人也?」的文章說,SiteMeter(一種網站流量統計軟體)顯示TechCrunch平均每日總訪客數(Visit)為四萬多,總瀏覽量(Page View)達到六萬多。而且,TechCrunch的文章產量驚人。2006年8月登出175篇文章,平均一天接近6篇。

最重要的是,幾個月前,TechCrunch改版,騰出六個小格子,宣布出售廣告版面。不到幾天的工夫,這些版面搶購一空,艾林頓開始撈進大把鈔票。Business 2.0的一篇文章說,艾林頓每個月的廣告收入是6萬美元,合新台幣將近200萬元。

實際的收入也許更高。一篇部落格文章以「Techcrunch.com的邁可‧艾林頓是百萬富翁」(Michael Arrington of Techcrunch.com is a Millionaire!) 為題,逐項替艾林頓算帳,結論是每個月少說有8萬5000美元的進帳。對一個以「搖筆桿」維生的部落客來說,能賺這麼多錢,實在叫人撟舌不下。 艾林頓的部落格,介紹、追蹤和探討Web 2.0的新科技、新產品和新創公司,2005年6月11日登出第一篇文章。2006年稍早,廣告收入只有約6,000美元的時候,他深信部落格可望帶進的 巨大財富就在眼前,於是毅然辭去白天在一家新創公司擔任總裁的工作,把全部的時間投入專心寫作部落格文章。

根據Business 2.0的報導,2005年,艾林頓在南斯拉夫貝爾格勒參加一場單身派對時,有個矽谷創業家向他提出根據Web 2.0新技術創立事業的構想。艾林頓開始研究這股新興的科技趨勢,卻找不到一個完整的來源,於是邊蒐集相關資訊,邊張貼在部落格上。他說:「那純粹是一種興趣。」


TechCrunch的RSS訂閱人數達到53,651人時,第一回合資本公司(First Round Capital)的總經理喬許‧柯波曼(Josh Kopelman)有感而發,在他的部落格「紅眼創投」(Redeye VC)上,寫了一篇題為「53,651」的文章說, TechCrunch給一家公司正面的評價,那家公司很快就會有最初的五千到二萬五千名使用者上門。由此可見知名部落客能夠發揮什麼樣的影響力。

Business 2.0說,艾林頓是矽谷的明日之星。他的文字經常被人引用,也不時參加研討會,分享自己的見解。例如,他在舊金山舉行的「網路應用的未來」會議上,點出西 雅圖的新創企業Jobster和Zillow.com「值得注意」。又說,如果可能,他想當Digg(請參考拙作「Digg.com:首頁新聞由你決定」)的執行長。他也看好Facebook(請參考拙作「Facebook風靡美國大學校園」)、YouTube、Photobucket、Zoho等網站的未來。

因此,有人形容艾林頓是Web 2.0的超級部落客和崛起中的「媒體2.0大亨」。他在名為「新新網際網路:企業的Web 2.0」研討會上,發表精闢的分析,說明如何在Web 2.0時代有所成就。很遺憾,依他的看法,「好運」排在成功因素的第一位。

艾林頓在加州和英國沙里(Surrey)長大成人。進入加州大學柏克萊校區念了一年之後,轉學到洛杉磯附近的克萊蒙麥肯納學院(Claremont McKenna),主修經濟學。後來繼續到史丹福大學法學院進修。 畢業後,艾林頓除了創立過不少名不見經傳的新事業,1990年代也曾經是矽谷知名法律事務所威索古洛(Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati)的法人律師,負責許多科技公司的股票首次公開發行(IPO)、創業資金募集、併購案。客戶包括理想實驗室(Idealab)、網景 (Netscape)、皮克斯(Pixar)、蘋果(Apple),以及一些新創企業、創業基金和投資銀行。那段時間建立起來的人脈,在他撰寫部落格文章 時,也提供一些不為人知的資訊。

現在,艾林頓更進一步推出海外版TechCrunch,包括TechCrunch France、TechCrunch Japan、TechCrunch UK。法國版和日本版是從主網站TechCrunch張貼的文章翻譯過去,再加上一些原創性的內容。英國版則主要登出適合當地閱讀的文章。

不只如此,2006年8月他還推出人力仲介網站CrunchBoard,供Web 2.0公司張貼求才廣告,每則收費200美元。據報導,CrunchBoard開站第一個星期,便有75則求才廣告登出,總收入達1萬5000美元,折合新台幣將近50萬元。



source [udn]


September 12, 2006

○○五年初的寒冷夜晚,無名小站的站長群簡志宇、林弘全、邱建熹三人拖著疲累步伐,在夜半 時分爬上一棟四層公寓的加蓋頂樓,準備鑽入橫在簡陋客廳地上的三綑睡袋。當時他們只想溫暖地睡上一覺,誰也沒想到,當時看似落魄的他們,創造了今日台灣流 量第二大的網站,僅次於成立已有九年的台灣知名網站雅虎奇摩。無名小站,一個結合部落格、網路相簿、社群和電子布告欄(BBS)的社交網站(Social Network Site),目前擁有二百五十萬有效會員,會員人數每天以五千到一萬人的速度增加中。

根據Alexa網路流量資料,無名小站的全球平均排名已晉升為第三十二名。無名小站的流量超過了全球最受歡迎的相片網站Flickr(排名 四十),也超過了美國網路元老AOL(排名三十六),和CNN網站的排名在伯仲之間,勝過日本的樂天市場和Livedoor,也強過Digg。


這樣一個由年輕人搭建起來的Web 2.0網站,如果晚上忽然當機一小時,估計有二十萬個年輕人手足無措、失魂落魄而不曉得該做什麼好。當然就更別提這樣的超人氣網站,已經吸引廣告客戶的目光,今年營收將上看兩億元台幣,預估其中有五成來自廣告收入。





天時是無名小站很幸運地趕上Web 2.0媒體平民化、人人渴望分享的時代潮流;地利是無名小站發跡於交通大學,感謝交大師長的鼓勵創新與協助;人和則要感謝所有喜歡使用無名的網友,以及無名的投資者和一起願意為無名打拚的夥伴和員工。




二○○三年九月,無名小站推出網路相簿功能,「一出來,當然是狂抱怨,」簡志宇大笑。為了消弭抱怨,好勝的簡志宇不斷改寫程式,逐漸地抱怨 聲減少,讚美變多。接著無名小站又應「使用者需求」推出部落格功能,只要用一個帳號,就能使用「BBS+相簿+部落格」服務。這太方便了,在網友奔相走告 之下,無名小站的人氣從交大向外擴散,使用者遍布各大專院校。



原先無名小站是拼湊系計中「淘汰但仍可用」的機器和硬碟,系計中也因為分散式架構的學術計畫,分配了一些硬體資源給無名小站。然而無名小站 的高流量卻讓大家提心吊膽,每到晚上尖峰時間,簡志宇說,就像韓信點兵般,隨著使用狀況隨時動態調配機器,一直要到凌晨以後,流量逐漸變小,大家才鬆了一 口氣,「呼,又平安地度過了一天」,趕緊回宿舍睡覺。










陸陸續續接觸到的投資者或購併者,都不能讓簡志宇等人放心地交出無名小站,一直到遇見富貴投資開發公司負責人賈文中。在尋覓合適的投資者過 程中,站長群們已經有點失望和倦怠,和賈文中碰面時,他們很直接地把心中的要求提出來,如主導權和經營權等,沒想到賈文中覺得他們坦白的可愛,都答應了。














吳緯凱說,這些活動也許不起眼,不能和其他大型Portal的活動相比,但卻直接有效。林弘全更進一步表示,去年部落格很紅,大家都說無名 是台灣最大的BSP(Blog Service Portal),今年大家都在談Web 2.0、使用者產生內容,好像也是在說無名,「人家是乘著Web 2.0的浪頭前進,其實我們根本就是在浪裡面,我們只是跟著網友走。」





若以全球流量看來,無名已經達到了世界級的水準,晉升世界前三十二強,正好可以角逐Web 2.0的世界杯呢!每個故事都有結束的時候,這篇無名小站的故事也該結束了,但一歲半的無名小站,在真實商業世界裡的成長故事,才正要開始呢!

source [數位時代137期]