
December 6, 2006

















source [聯合晚報] 2006.12.03

Name Your Car

November 17, 2006


As if it weren’t enough to OWN a Porsche, you can now have YOUR name in place of the type designation. So, for example, I’d have “Evan” in the same customised text and the same font as “Porsche” on my Boxster. I wish.

We are a nation that likes to personalize everything so maybe this business model is a good idea. It’ll cost you though: $450 for the first 5 letters and $60 per letter after that. Texts can be made for all 911 models – Cayenne – Boxster and Cayman. They can manufacture your personalized text in the same colors as the type designation, in grey or black, chrome, or if you’re going for the pimp look — in gold. ( A chrome or gold name or text costs an additional $90 per letter.)

Name Your Porsche suggests: “Let your creativity run wild and give your Porsche its own identity and a unique name. You can make up anything you want: ‘made in Germany’, ‘back off’, ‘follow me’ or ‘have a nice day’… Or why not use the back of your Porsche to make a personal message like: ‘no more Ferrari’, ‘my third’, or ‘thanks daddy’.”

Via Trend Hunter.

source [popgadget]

Seatbelt for your dog

November 8, 2006


Like most dogs, my pup Henry likes to stick his head out the car window, ears flying and a blissful look on his wind-blown face. Vets will tell you that for dogs, the combination of smells makes them “high.” (I’ve tried it but it didn’t do the same for me.) But I worry about my doxie launching himself out the window so we’ve tried tying his leash to the headrest, jerry-rigging an extension leash…you name it, we’ve tried it.

So when Bamboo Pets came up with the Quick Control™ Leash + Seat belt latch, both Henry and I were relieved, and I was cursing myself for not thinking of it first. As you can see from the photo, the velcro pouch hides the metal universal seat belt connector, with a convenient zippered pocket to hold keys, money, waste bags. Besides eliminating driver distraction — Henry prefers to drive — it gives me peace of mind knowing he’s not going to visit that poodle in the next car.

Available in 3ft. and 6ft. lengths, the Quick Control™ Leash + Seat belt latch fits any size dog.


Visit Bamboo Pets for a store directory and list of online retailers. Approx $20.

source [popgadget]

Mercedes-Benz GL450

November 2, 2006

Motor Tend Magazine named the Mercedes-Benz GL450 as its sport utility vehicle of the year for 2007

Renault Twingo concept car goes tech crazy

October 5, 2006

If you can manage to squeeze yourself and three of your nerdiest buddies into this tiny car, y’all are going to have the one of the most gadget-laden rides ever perpetrated by man. From the pics you can tell the Renault Twingo concept is bristling with iPod docks, and a dashboard mixer puts them all to good use, but there’s plenty of other stuff going on here. The car sports USB and Bluetooth connectivity, and each seat gets an audio jack for listening to an independent source, in case the front seat DJ isn’t mixing it up well enough. There’s also a 15-inch LCD, which is backed by an in-car PC with internet access of some sort. When you open up the hatch, there’s some chilled beverages awaiting, and the speaker system points backwards to blast sound into the quickly assembling crowd of Very Cool People that suddenly will want to be your friend. Check out plenty more pics after the break.

source [engadget]

Barbie meets Beetle

September 13, 2006


The results can be interesting when you get two incredibly successful icons of our times together. In this case, Ms.Barbara Millicent Roberts, a.k.a Barbie, and Beetle have been brought together by Volkswagen in the all-pink Beetle Barbie limited edition car. The car is done up completely in pink, with the Barbie logo placed at strategic locations. Purists will be pleased to note that even the lug nuts on the tires have not been spared. The trend continues inside the car, with the inserts in the leather seats, steering wheel, door panels and floor mats all splashed with the Barbie color.

Though Barbie and the Beetle have had some troubles in recent times, there are still a large number of women globally who are avid collectors of anything related to Barbie. Add to that the passionate community of Beetle lovers, and Volkswagen seems to have a potential bestseller in their hands. However, for the time being, only 13 of these cars will be manufactured and will be sold through exclusive VW outlets in Mexico for around $24,368.

source [popgadget & Autoblog]


August 8, 2006


統計發現,近十年來國人購買RV休旅車已成為一股流行風潮,從1997年至今年5月底止,全國的RV休旅車銷售總量高達89萬5278台;累計至7月初, 國人擁有RV車的台數已正式突破90萬台,當然也載滿了不少家庭歡樂同遊的美好記憶。您是否就是這90萬台RV車主之一呢?

在國內90萬台RV車中,中華三菱因最早進入此市場,車款總類最多,市佔有率最高,約25.6%,總銷售量約23萬台。旗下RV總類包括新 發表的Zinger、熱賣的Savrin、進口頂級休旅車Pajero、Outlander、Space Gear等五款,加上每年均規畫RV車主系列活動,儼然成為國內的RV王國。




Mazda也是休旅車的主流車商,多年獲得大型休旅車冠軍的Mazda MPV、國產、進口的Tribute等,一直獲年輕車主青睞,累計銷售量逾6萬台,市佔率約6.7%。

而最晚進入台灣市場的Honda Taiwan,目前僅有一款休旅車CR-V,但光靠這台形象、性能均佳的CR-V,Honda累積銷售的休旅車數也高達近5萬台,市佔率約5.4%,堪稱為RV市場的暢銷車款之一。

source [聯合晚報] 2006.07.15


July 19, 2006



買國產車 一年有幾次殺價好時機

接近月底,車商業務人員缺業績,買家自然容易談價錢。 但國產車真正好講價的時節,是7到8月鬼月來臨之前,各家車商會依例發動大規模促銷,有的公司會給業務代表多一點獎金當籌碼,讓買家殺價。


買進口車 挑年份替換的關鍵時刻



貨比三家 同廠牌、不同據點多比價


汽車大展 大拜拜不是買車好地方

現在一年總有兩三場汽車大展,但車展並不是買車、撿便宜的最佳場合。經銷商會利用展場氣氛,提供一些看似十分優厚的購車條件,催化搶訂情緒。不過車展場地 喧鬧,消費者易分心,想趁車展買車,除非心中已確定要買的車款,才在會場下單;否則車展只是一個比較省力的看車場所,你可以一口氣將各品牌同級車資料搜 齊,一次比個夠。

提防代辦 小心契約之外的陷阱



折現金吧 低檔贈品不如折價實惠



寫清楚哦 拗到的贈品型號要形諸文字



你贏了嗎 太會砍價錢不見得是贏家

如果你ㄠ到一堆贈品,還把業代砍價砍到頭破血流,其實未必是贏家,你可能失去一些無形的商品──服務!業代事後可能不再提供額外服務,甚至不理你,像車子 有了瑕疵,可能不會主動為你解決,車子要召回,也不會第一時間通知你,所以砍價錢、ㄠ贈品要適可而止,不能一味砍到底,能雙贏最好。

source [聯合報]

BMW “Chosen” directed by Ang Lee

July 1, 2006


June 3, 2006

source post [mobile01]