PhotoVu PV1955 19-inch digital picture frame with WiFi

January 6, 2006

We’ve seen a whole slew of 7-inch commercial digital picture frames, but this is the first 19-inch we can recall with this level of specs. The PhotoVu PV1955 LCD features a 1280 x 960 pixel resolution with a 4:3 aspect, 24-bit color, 800:1 contrast ratio, and can be hung on the wall in either portrait or landscape modes. Images are stored on your USB thumb drive or optional 80GB removable disk drive and pulled directly from your Apple iPhoto or Adobe Photoshop Album/Elements image catalog via Ethernet or WiFi. But for $1,119, maybe they could offer us a skank-free frame with Windows Media Connect and DLNA support, hmm? On second thought, maybe you should just make your own.

source post [Via Macworld]

Sony’s new VAIO SZ laptops

January 6, 2006
Sony VAIO SZ laptop

Deciding that yet another VAIO series was needed, Sony intro’d the new VAIO SZ series of laptops. The under one-inch thick SZ’s are wrapped in a lightweight carbon-fiber casing, keeping the weight under 4 pounds. Sony uses a white LED backlight behind the 13.3-inch XBRITE widescreen display to save power, plus you can toggle between on-board or external chip to conserve even more. for up to 7 hours of juice. Other important specs include an available integrated EDGE radio, biometric fingerprint sensor, G-Sensor shock protection, and built in mic and camera for video-conferencing. Expect the new SZ’s this spring starting just under $2,000 for the base and moving on up from there.

source post [Kevin C. Tofel]

New Yahoo! Widgets

January 6, 2006
Yahoo! Weather
Get up to the minute information about your weather location along with a five day forecast.You can customize the color of this Widget for both day and night.Part of the Yahoo! Widget Engine installation, but offered here in the event you’ve lost the Widget.
Yahoo! Search
The search Widget to end all search Widgets. This Widget not only lets you search Yahoo! Local, Images, Web, Video, Shopping and News, but it displays the results inline with contextual links for the type of search. For example, Local search will give you a link to the map of the location, and Images will show you a thumbnail of the image with a link to the original and the page it was found on.
Day Planner
Get your Yahoo!, iCal, Outlook or Sunbird Calendar events and tasks right on your desktop.If you’re using Yahoo! Calendar, you have the ability to add, edit and delete events directly from your Widget.Part of the Yahoo! Widget Engine installation, but offered here in the event you’ve lost the Widget.
Picture Frame
What started out as a Widget to show you your local pictures as a slide show in a frame has become a complete Flickr and Yahoo! Photos upload and management tool.With this latest version you can upload images or folders of images to your Flickr your Y! Photos account, change name, description, tags, privacy options… you can even blog directly from the Widget.Part of the Yahoo! Widget Engine installation, but offered here in the event you’ve lost the Widget.
Yahoo! Notepad
A Widget front-end to your Yahoo! Notepad. This Widget allows you to add, edit, organize and delete contacts from your Yahoo! Notepad directly from the Widget.Once you’ve saved your notes, you can move them into other categories by simply dragging them from one folder to another.
Yahoo! Maps
Need to find a location quick? This Widget will find where you’re looking for using Yahoo! Maps, and display the result as a map you can pan and zoom directly in the Widget.
Yahoo! Contacts
A Widget front-end to your Yahoo! Address Book. This Widget allows you to add, edit and delete contacts from your Yahoo! Address Book directly inside it.Clicking on specific types of links on the face of the Widget will launch them. If your contact has a Yahoo! User ID and a Yahoo! Avatar it will be displayed in the edit window.Part of the Yahoo! Widget Engine installation.
Stock Ticker
This Widget gives you information on indices, your stocks and funds. Results are delayed up to 20 minutes.You can reorder your list by dragging the thumbs around on the left side of the Widget.Part of the Yahoo! Widget Engine installation, but offered here in the event you’ve lost the Widget.

Wifi Signal

A little digital readout of your WiFi signal strength. It can also show you the name of the network you’re connected to, or the signal strength as a raw percentage.Part of the Yahoo! Widget Engine installation, but offered here in the event you’ve lost the Widget.

USB Internet Speakerphone

January 6, 2006
USR9610 Speakerphone for Skype

Skype is definitely a hot word at CES 2006 as evidenced by the numerous new products to make you more Skypeable. USRobotics is gettin’ in on the game with their USR9610 Speakerphone for Skype. It might look like a futuristic uncomfortable seat-cushion, but it’s actually a full duplex, USB speakerphone. Featuring echo-cancellation, volume controls and a mute button, the USR9610 helps you lose those dreaded headphones that muss your hair. $50 lets you Skype the night away without the cord sometime later this month.

source post [Kevin C. Tofel] 1/5/2006

十大化妝品牌 SKII賣最好

January 6, 2006








【2006/01/06 聯合報】

Lost Aliens – Today’s Time Waster

January 6, 2006
Lost AliensHere’s a weird one: In Lost Aliens your goal is to get all of the aliens to the bullseye. If you click on an alien, it’ll move one space to the right, and if there’s another alien next to it, it’ll leapfrog over it. However, if an alien lands on the blue crystal it’s stuck. To get it unstuck, you have to click on the pyramid, but this will only work if another alien, who will out some sort of pulse to free it, is next to it. Other obstacles appear on the way, making this Flash puzzler addictive and challenging, not to mention bizarre.
source post  [Jordan Running] 1/5/2006

Check Out the New Porsche!

January 6, 2006

porsche cayman.jpg

Yup, figured I’d give you a quick break from all the tech to take a look-see at the brand new Porsche Cayman S, shown at the Greater LA Auto Show, which is also going on this week. So basically, the biggest geeks in the world are all over on the West Coast right now. The Cayman S is a 295-horsepower, two-seat coupe that is being marketed as a “bridge between the Boxster roadster and the 911 Carrera.” No price yet, but would it really matter?

source post Styling at the LA Auto Show [Cnet]


January 6, 2006
Don’t know what to do? Need some distraction? You can use WhatsOnTV Widget to find right now what you could watch on TV.All day schedule and reminders are also available.


January 6, 2006


王商,字子威,繼承父親的封號為樂呂侯,是漢成帝的丞 相,他為人耿直,作風正派。

漢成帝三年的秋天,京城長安城中忽然有傳言說要發大水了, 長安城就要被水吞沒了。剎時間,整個長安城的老百姓都驚慌起來 大家扶老攜幼,爭相逃命。

消 息傳到宮中,漢成帝立即召集文武百官到宮中議事,商量對策。成帝的舅父、大將軍王鳳也驚慌失措,勸成帝、太后趕快躲到船上去,準備撤離。大臣們也紛紛附和 王鳳的意見。只有丞相王商堅決反對,他認為大水不可能突然而來,一定是謠傳,在這個關鍵時刻更不能輕易撤離,這樣只會使人心更加慌亂。成帝採納了王商的意 見,後來,城裡也沒見大水來,謠言不攻自破,城裡的秩序也慢慢恢復了。調查下來,確實是傳言失實。成帝對王商能力排眾議很讚賞。王鳳卻認為是王商使他下不 了台,因此心懷不滿。

王鳳有個親戚叫楊肜,是琅那太守,因為沒有把他管轄的地方管理好,王商要辦他的罪,王鳳為此親自跑到王商面前,替楊 肜說情,為他開脫。王商堅持原則,免去了楊肜的官職,王鳳更加懷恨在心,千方百計想要打擊報復。於是他勾結了同夥,誣陷王商。漢成帝最後聽信了讒言,罷免 了王商的丞相職務。

但是,是非自有公論。《漢書》的作者班固在撰寫王商的傳記時 對王商的評價是:?為人誠實公正,不屈不撓。這樣的評論是很客觀公正的。
