Samsung Pocket Projector Now On Sale

January 24, 2006


Samsung’s teeny, tiny projector is finally on sale for under a grand. With a Carl Zeiss lens and weighing just under 1.5 lb, this mobile projector makes a great travel companion. Features include a connecting cable and D-sub (PC), AV input for easy connections, but as you might expect with something this small and low-priced, its native resolution is just 800×600 pixels. Runs for $889.

source post [Biosmagazine]

Sony Vaio F TV laptop for video on the go

January 24, 2006

Sony has added at least one new laptop to the slew of Vaios the company showed off at CES. The Vaio F TV series will, as the name implies, include features for viewing TV on the computer, including a built-in tuner, 15.4-inch display, MPEG encoder card, remote control and dual-layer burner. However, it looks like Sony’s hoping to have it both ways with these; the F TV series will come with Windows XP Pro, rather than MCE.

source post [Akihabara News]

The 10 Beliefs of Great Managers

January 24, 2006

What do the truly great managers of our world believe in?1. Managers believe that people are innately good. Without this core belief and faith in people, great management is not possible.

2. Managers believe they do not work on their people, they work with them; they enable and empower them.

3. Managers believe that “empowerment” comes from within, and has more to do with self-motivation and innate talent than with the acceptance of authority. They get their cues from the person, not from the task or process.

4. Managers believe that all people have strengths which can be made stronger, and that their weaknesses can be compensated for to become irrelevant.

5. When it comes to training, the great managers do not believe they train people, they believe they train skills and offer additional knowledge.

6. Managers believe they coach and mentor people, and they love doing so — not “like,” love.

7. Managers believe that the people they manage are more than capable of creating a better future. They hold great faith and trust in the four-fold human capacities of physical ability, intellect, emotion, and spirit.

8. Managers believe in the power of positive, affirmative thinking, and they have a low tolerance for negativity. They are confident and eternal optimists.

9. Managers believe it is their job to remove barriers and obstacles so people can attain the level of greatness they are destined for. They believe that “can’t” is a temporary state of affairs, and that everything is only impossible until the first person does it.

10. Managers believe that their legacy will be in the other people they have helped to achieve worthwhile and meaningful goals. They believe that success is measured in people who thrive and prosper.

That’s why managers matter, and why management is vitally important.

source post []


January 24, 2006








source post [法新社香港]

歷史上的今天 – Macintosh 問世

January 24, 2006

1984 年的今天 — 1 月 24 日是蘋果電腦推出 Macintosh 的日子。當時蘋果執行長 Steve Jobs 在美國加州庫培提諾 Cupertino 市 Flint Center 的講台上正式向全世界發表了 Macintosh 。售價 2,495 美元、採用時脈為 8 MHz 的 Motorola 68000 處理器、配備 128KB 隨機記憶體、64KB 唯讀記憶體、9 英吋/512×342 圖素單色螢幕、 3.5 英吋 400KB 軟碟機與滑鼠的 Mac 顯得親和力十足,售價低廉而功能務實。比起 1983 年推出的另一族系 Lisa , Mac 才是真正以吸引人的價格功能比,向外界展露其極具創新的概念,所以在問世後,就掀起了個人電腦圖形界面化與滑鼠操作的革命熱潮。

在 Mac 問世前,蘋果電腦曾推出名為「1984」 的電視廣告來宣告這個事件。該廣告是由 Chiat/Day 廣告公司負責製作,請來當時才導完科幻電影經典《銀翼殺手》(Blade Runner) 的雷利.史考特 (Ridley Scott) 執導。片中採用了以喬治.歐威爾 (George Orwell) 知名的《一九八四》中未來世界洗腦般的高壓統治為場景,十分巧妙地諷寓了當時個人資訊產業盲目隨著 IBM 老大哥動向的詭譎氛圍。

「1984」 這支電視廣告只正式在大眾傳播媒體上播過一次,就是 1984 年 1 月 22 日美國第 18 屆超級盃(Super Bowl XVIII)美式足球冠軍賽的第三節中場休息時間時上檔,這一點在一般美國大企業的廣告操作上十分罕見,但無損於其於廣告史上的地位;「1984」不但獲 得許多遴選與榮譽,且成為廣告行銷上一重要案例。

蘋果電腦在 2004 年 Mac 問世 20 週年慶時,曾推出「1984」的特別修改版本;片中那手擲大榔頭擊毀老大哥螢幕的女英雄身上多了一台 iPod 。

source post [老地方冰果室]


January 24, 2006

並不是所有創新點子,都有一樣的份量。不同的創新需要不同的管理方法,這是新書「策略創新者的十項原則」(10 Rules for Strategic Innova-tors)提出的一個概念。這本書由美國達特茅斯(Dartmouth)大學商學院的兩名教授合著,他們在書中指出,創新主要分成四種類型:


2.程序革命。這 種創新同樣是改善公司目前的程序,但是改善的幅度較大。例如,公司採用一種新科技,生產力因而增加了三成。美國華瑪(Wal-Mart)大賣場大手筆投資 無線射頻辨識技術(RFID),便屬於這種創新。這個技術是透過無線電波傳輸,自動追蹤每個貨品的內容、運送紀錄、處理過程等,對追蹤商品從製造到賣出過 程的方法,產生革命性的影響,大幅提高了供應貨品的效率。



在 成本、能夠明顯看出成果所需的時間,以及成效三方面,四種創新非常不同。例如,在第一種創新中,改善單一程序的成本不高,而且能夠很快地看到成果;相較之 下,第二種創新是要進行程序改革,成本比較高,需要的時間也比較長。公司應該根據創新的不同,決定誰應該領導及參與創新行動、應該分配給創新行動哪些資 源、如何評估創新行動的進度,以及創新行動執行到什麼地步時應該結束。



source post [EMBA雜誌]